Thursday, November 1, 2007

CAM does indeed have talent!

Some random musings about variety show production.....
1. I always wonder if we will really have a show. I know we have talented students.
But will the show flow? will people laugh? will the voices be heard? will they be understood? Will the costumes enhance the performance or detract from it? Will the technology work? Will they remember their entrances and their props? Will our support crew think it's important enough to volunteer their time? Will the inevitable short tempers and personality conflicts divide the cast?

2. Sometime in the last week before the show we always turn a corner and I know without a doubt that we will have an entertaining show. This year it was Tuesday. Anyone who saw
us last week would have wondered what we were selling tickets for! Ask Chad, the janitor.
He has suffered through the whole process with us and never said a discouraging word.

3. Musicals are easier. There is a script, written out songs, a plot and set suggestions.
At first, I created the variety show idea as a break from the tried and true Broadway productions of the past because I thought it would be easier. I was wrong. Giving up control of
the production to a group of high school students is scary. But it is also incredibly rewarding.
CAM'S GOT TALENT was created by the students that are performing it, start to finish. The songs are not original, but the ideas are.

4. You will enjoy it even if you don't know anyone in it! Come and watch some of the best
high school talent you'll see anywhere. You won't be sorry.

5. And thank you for giving me such great kids to work with!

Mrs. Nichols

1 comment:

Anitaprofessional said...

Great way to put it. I remember someone telling me we did the variety show as a break from the musical...I'd have to say it's tougher to watch you organize it so it had to be tougher to put on.

It was a hit, even if the tall guys tried to submarine it.