Monday, May 17, 2010


Encore means that the music was so good the crowd wanted more! The theme of our Awards Concert was Encore because we sang great songs from past decades that deserved another singing. It is also how my heart feels about launching this senior class. (I almost wrote "losing" there, but decided against it. Yes, I'll be losing them as members of my high school vocal class. But it is time for them to move on. They are being launched into the bigger world to use their God-given abilities and the lessons I and others have taught them. So I'll stick with launch instead of lose.) Anyway- back to Encore.

I wanted it to go on and on. I didn't want the concert to end. Some of my students felt the same way. On their Moodle assignment, they were asked to write about something that they could have changed about the concert and several of them said that it was over too soon!

Encore. The music and the personalities of this special class will live on in my heart for a very long time. Bailey- you didn't want to let anyone know how much you were enjoying yourself! Kelsey- always giving me 100% even when you didn't feel like it! Tiffany- you are a better singer than you think you are! Paige- what a great dance teacher who created choreography for dancers and non-dancers alike! McKinze- great ideas, sense of humor, and fantastic with the computer! Cassidy- Born entertainer!

Thanks, girls. This was definitely an ENCORE year.

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