Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I'm sorry that it has been so long since I posted. I'm not sure anyone reads this blog, but just in case they do, I'll continue to share my thoughts and feelings here about whatever we happen to be doing at the time. Since I'm so far behind, though, I'll try to get caught up with some word associations:
Christmas concert- lovely!
(Of course I can't be content with just one word. I was so proud of the kids. They are making such progress in learning how to express emotion with their music!)

Mixed Ensemble Christmas tour- grueling but rewarding!
(By the 6th performance in one day, they were thirsty and tired. But they persevered and realized that brightening peoples' days was worth it. I still get comments in Atlantic about how well they did!)

Snow Days- schedule- disrupting!
(Besides having to reschedule the Christmas concert, we had less time to prepare our National
Anthem auditions for IHSMA Boys State Tournament. Those results should be coming any time.)

Solo/Ensemble Contest- individual lessons!
(We are hard at work choosing music and beginning our preparation for this contest in April.
I enjoy this time of year because I get to work with more students individually and in smaller groups. Right now we have 24 events signed up, but I need to pare it down for my own sanity and also because I can legally only play for 20.)

Pre-concert Recital- coming soon!
(We will try to have some of our contest pieces ready to sing at an informal recital during PT Conferences on Feb 25. If you can't come to contest on April 17, this would be a good time to hear what your singers are working on!)

SWI Honor Choir- help!!
(Eight students have been chosen to attend this even on Feb 8 at IWCC in Council Bluffs. We
have missed several rehearsals because of snow days and late starts. They need to be practicing at home with their CD's!! I'm also accompanying this concert and the music is HARD!)

Pops Concert- fun!
(Plan to join us on Feb 26. You will really enjoy it. Mixed Ensemble, CAM Band, Senior solos, popcorn, desserts, great music. What's not to like?? One of my favorite events of the year.)

I think I'm caught up now. Whew. Anyone out there???

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I enjoy catching up on all music news! I'll get after Matthew and make sure he practices at home. :) Thanks for all the time you give to the kids and all the time you take keeping us parents informed.