Monday, April 14, 2008

Another Contest in the Bag

I was wishing just now that I had some pictures of contest to show you, but that would mean that I remembered to take my camera last Saturday, and that I had time to take pictures.
But neither of those things happened. So you are going to have to use your imagination and picture 14 TALENTED kids singing their hearts out all day long and bringing home 9 I's and 4 II's- which is AMAZING. I love contest season for one very big reason- I get to work individually and in small groups with my students and I get to see how much they progress (which is relative, of course, to how much effort they expend!). I'm so proud of this group. You might notice that we are missing some faces in the picture, but they were with us Saturday: Riley Groves, Colton Carr, Jessica Thelen. We are also missing Erin Steele, of course. But some great news- she is being released from the hospital today!! We are so thankful that we will see her again soon. Special memories of Contest 2008: Jenna singing like a trooper through a sore throat; Mixed Trio getting totally lost in their difficult acapella piece but ending together and totally impressing the judge!; Shy Ellisa bravely singing a solo!; our FANTASTIC men's group; being the best Chamber Choir; Cassidy remembering Amazing Grace lyrics just in time :); Colton's introduction of his duet with Cassidy (you'll have to ask him); Brave Brett taking a solo for the first time as a junior; and the audience reaction when Riley finished his solo.
Unforgettable. Thanks, everyone. You make me smile.

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