Monday, February 22, 2010

Pops Concert 2010 (Changed to Feb. 26- 7:00)

The pops concert is one of my favorite performances of the year. Why? (you might ask)
Glad you did. I'd really like to share some reasons why I like it so much and also some reasons why it may be a little challenging this year. (Let's call this the good, the bad, and the potentially ugly.)

The Good:
Fun music! Who doesn't like 40's swing, popular radio, jazz, and gospel???
Dedicated students! They come in early to practice most days, juggling breakfast and cheerleading and weightlifting and homework. In fact, 3 of the girls were chosen to dance in the All-Iowa Dance Team at the State Basketball Tournament on March 4 (which was our first pops concert date). Hence the date change.
Senior solos! The seniors have the opportunity to choose their own solo. This gives us a chance to showcase our talented seniors and let them express themselves however they want.
Relaxed Audience! Popcorn, dessert, decorations, and tables- what more could you ask?

The Bad:
Late starts, unplowed roads, and inconsistent rehearsals! Enough said.
Cold and flu season! Need I say more?
Changing the date! Sorry, but the only day we could find was on a day when we don't actually have school.

The Potentially Ugly:
Not a chance- this will be a great long as it doesn't.........snow....

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

SWI Honor Choir- Winter of 2010 Version!

Well, it didn't start OR end like we had planned. But it was an.............adventure!
It started with a car in the ditch (driver will remain nameless) and ended with the cancellation of the concert. I guess I should say it started with lots of early phone calls, a late school start, and late arrival for the CAM delegation in Council Bluffs. As we were arriving, other schools had been called home by their administrators. Bad news: The parents did not get to hear this fantastic choir sing their hearts out at our informal last run-through/pretend concert at 2:45. Good news: The students still had a productive day of singing, learning, and watching the IWCC show choir. For lots of reasons, this is one we will always remember!